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Norton™ AntiVirus til Mac®
Norton AntiVirus til Mac sørger for at din Mac er beskyttet imod virus.
Udover denne kritiske sikkerhed, så sørger programmet fra Norton også for at holde spyware fra din Mac, beskytter den imod sårbarheder generelt og overvåger e-mail og onlinemeddelelser for farer.
Ud over dette så opdaterer Norton™ AntiVirus til Mac sig selv og der medfølger gratis support til produktet.
1NORTON LICENSE AGREEMENTNorton AntiVirus / Norton Internet Security / Norton 360IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT(“LICENSE AGREEMENT”) CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE SOFTWARE AND SERVICES (ASDEFINED BELOW). SYMANTEC CORPORATION, IF YOU ARE LOCATED IN THE AMERICAS; ORSYMANTEC ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD, IF YOU ARE LOCATED IN THE ASIA PACIFIC RIM OR JAPAN;OR SYMANTEC LIMITED, IF YOU ARE LOCATED IN EUROPE, THE MIDDLE EAST OR AFRICA(“SYMANTEC”) IS WILLING TO LICENSE THE SOFTWARE AND SERVICES TO YOU AS THEINDIVIDUAL, THE COMPANY, OR THE LEGAL ENTITY THAT WILL BE UTILIZING THE SOFTWAREAND SERVICES (REFERENCED BELOW AS “YOU” OR “YOUR”) ONLY ON THE CONDITION THATYOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. THIS IS A LEGAL ANDENFORCEABLE CONTRACT BETWEEN YOU AND SYMANTEC. BY OPENING THIS PACKAGE,BREAKING THE SEAL, CLICKING THE “I AGREE” OR “YES” BUTTON OR OTHERWISE INDICATINGASSENT ELECTRONICALLY, OR LOADING THE SOFTWARE AND SERVICES OR OTHERWISEUSING THE SOFTWARE AND SERVICES, YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THISLICENSE AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, CLICK THE“CANCEL” OR “NO” OR “CLOSE WINDOW” BUTTON OR OTHERWISE INDICATE REFUSAL, MAKENO FURTHER USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND SERVICES, AND CONTACT (i) YOUR VENDOR ORSYMANTEC CUSTOMER SERVICE, USING THE CONTACT DETAILS IN SECTION 12 OF THISLICENSE AGREEMENT, FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO OBTAIN A REFUND OF THE AMOUNTYOU PAID FOR THE CURRENT SERVICE PERIOD (DEFINED BELOW) (LESS SHIPPING,HANDLING, AND ANY APPLICABLE TAXES EXCEPT IN CERTAIN STATES AND COUNTRIESWHERE SHIPPING, HANDLING, AND TAXES ARE REFUNDABLE) AT ANY TIME DURING THE SIXTY(60) DAY PERIOD FOLLOWING THE DATE OF PURCHASE OF AN ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION ORWITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS FOLLOWING THE DATE OF PURCHASE OF A MONTHLYSUBSCRIPTION, OR (ii) YOUR SERVICE PROVIDER FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO OBTAIN AREFUND IF YOU OBTAINED THE SOFTWARE AND SERVICES FROM YOUR SERVICE PROVIDER.1. License:The software and services and documentation, (including any product packaging) (the “Documentation”),that accompanies this License Agreement (collectively the “Software and Services”) is the property ofSymantec or its licensors, and is protected by copyright law. Although Symantec or its licensorscontinues to own the Software and Services, after Your acceptance of this License Agreement You willhave certain rights to use the Software and Services during the Service Period. All rights not expresslygranted to You are retained by Symantec and/or its licensors. The “Service Period” shall begin on (a) thedate of Your initial installation or use of the Software and Services on a computer, virtual environment,mobile or mobile computing device (a “Device”), or (b) if You received the Software and Services as partof a multiple product offering, the date of Your initial installation or use of the Software and Services orany other software product or mobile application included in such offering on a Device, or (c) if Youobtained the rights to use the Software and Services as described in this License Agreement from aSymantec authorized service provider (“Service Provider”) the date determined by such Service Provider.The Service Period shall last for the period of time set out in the Documentation or the applicabletransaction documentation from the authorized distributor, reseller, or Service Provider from which Youobtained the Software and Services. The Software and Services may automatically deactivate andbecome non-operational at the end of the Service Period, and You will not be entitled to receive anyfeature or content updates to the Software and Services unless the Service Period is renewed.Subscriptions for renewals of the Service Period will (i) be available in accordance with Symantec’ssupport policy posted at or (ii) beprovided by Your Service Provider in accordance with such Service Provider’s policies, if You obtainedthe Software and Services from Your Service Provider.This License Agreement governs any releases, revisions, updates or enhancements to the Software andServices that Symantec may make available to You. Except as may be modified by the Documentation,Your rights and obligations under this License Agreement with respect to the use of this Software andServices are as follows.2During the Service Period, You may:A. use one copy of the Software and Services on a single Device. If a greater number of copies and/ornumber of Devices is specified within the Documentation or the applicable transaction documentationfrom the authorized distributor, reseller, or Service Provider from which You obtained the Software andServices, You may use the Software and Services in accordance with such specifications;B. make one copy of the software for back-up or archival purposes, or copy the software and Servicesonto the hard disk of Your Device and retain the original for back-up or archival purposes;C. use the Software and Services on a network, provided that You have a licensed copy of the Softwareand Services for each Device that can access the Software and Services over that network;D. permanently transfer all of Your rights in the Software and Services granted under this LicenseAgreement to another person or entity, provided that You retain no copies of the Software and Servicesand the transferee agrees to all the terms of this License Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, if theSoftware and Services being transferred is part of a multiple product offering You must transfer all Yourrights to all product offerings included in such Software and Services. Partial transfer of Your rights underthis License Agreement shall not be permitted and any such attempts shall be void and null. Forexample, if the Documentation or the applicable transaction documentation from the authorizeddistributor, reseller, or Service Provider grants You the right to use multiple copies of the Software andServices, only a transfer of all the rights to use all such copies of the Software and Services would bevalid. For the avoidance of doubt, the foregoing rights to transfer do not apply if You obtained theSoftware and Services from Your Service Provider; andE. use the Software and Services in accordance with any additional permitted uses which may be setforth below.You may not, nor may You permit any other person to:A. sublicense, rent or lease any portion of the Software and Services;B. reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, modify, translate, make any attempt to discover the sourcecode of the Software and Services or create derivative works from the Software and Services;C. provide, offer or make available the Software and Services as part of a facility management,timesharing, service provider or service bureau arrangement; orD. use the Software and Services in any manner that is not permitted pursuant to this LicenseAgreement.The Software and Services may include third party features and functionalities or may access content ona third party website. Such features, functionalities or content may be subject to such third party terms ofservice.2. Software and Services and Content Updates:A. You shall have the right to receive new features to and versions of the Software and Services asSymantec, in its sole discretion, makes such features and versions available during Your Service Period.Symantec continually strives to improve the usability and performance of its products and services. Inorder to optimize the Software and Services, and to provide You with the most current version of theSoftware and Services, You agree the Software and Services may download and install new updates andversions of the Software and Services as they are made available by Symantec in its sole discretion. Youagree to receive and permit Symantec to deliver such new updates and versions to Your Device.Additionally, Symantec may modify the terms and conditions that apply to Your use of the Software andServices to reflect such updates and versions and You agree to such updated terms.B. Certain Software and Services use content that is updated from time to time, including but not limitedto the following: antivirus and crimeware software use updated virus definitions; antispyware softwareuses updated spyware definitions; antispam software uses updated antispam rules; content filtering andantiphishing software use updated URL lists; some firewall software use updated firewall rules;vulnerability assessment products use updated vulnerability data, and web site authentication softwareuses updated lists of authenticated web pages; these updates are collectively referred to as “ContentUpdates” (or alternatively referred to as “Protection Updates” or “Security Updates” at times). You shallhave the right to receive Content Updates for the Software and Services during Your Service Period.3. Product Installation; Required Activation; Norton Account: 3A. During the installation process, the Software and Services may uninstall or disable other securityproducts, or features of such products, if such products or features are incompatible with the Softwareand Services or for purposes of improving the overall functionality of the Software and Services.B. There may be technological measures in this Software and Services that are designed to preventunlicensed or illegal use of the Software and Services. You agree that Symantec may use thesemeasures to protect Symantec against Software and Services piracy. This Software and Services maycontain enforcement technology that limits the ability to install and uninstall the Software and Services ona Device to not more than a finite number of times for a finite number of Devices. This LicenseAgreement and the Software and Services containing enforcement technology may require activation asfurther set out in the Documentation. If so, the Software and Services will only operate for a finite periodof time prior to Software and Services activation by You. During activation, You may be required toprovide Your unique activation code accompanying the Software and Services and Device configurationin the form of an alphanumeric code over the Internet to verify the authenticity of the Software andServices. If You do not complete the activation within the finite period of time set forth in theDocumentation, or as prompted by the Software and Services, the Software and Services will cease tofunction until activation is complete; at which time the Software and Services functionality will be restored.In the event that You are not able to activate the Software and Services over the Internet, or through anyother method specified during the activation process, You may contact either (i) Symantec CustomerSupport using the information provided by Symantec during activation, or as set out below, or (ii) YourService Provider, or the entity set out in the documentation issued to You by Your Service Provider, if Youobtained the Software and Services from Your Service Provider.C. Norton Account. A current Symantec Norton Account (“Norton Account”) may be required to accessand use the Software and Services. In such case, if You do not have a Norton Account, You mustcomplete the applicable registration process to create a Norton Account in order to use the Software andServices. A Norton Account may not be required if You obtained the rights to use the Software andServices from a Service Provider who requires You to have a different user account (“SP User Account”)to access and use the Software and Services. Please refer to the applicable transaction documentationwith Your Service Provider to determine whether a Norton Account or a SP User Account is required toaccess and use the Software and Services. You are entirely responsible for maintaining theconfidentiality of Your Norton Account or SP User Account password.4. Safe Search and Online Backup Features:A. Safe Search. The Software and Services may include a Safe Search feature which provides You theability to safely search the internet. This may be offered via, but not be limited to, a Symantec searchtoolbar.B. Online Backup.The Software and Services may include an online backup feature, which provides the capability to storeand retrieve Your files on Symantec’s system via the Internet during the Service Period (“Online BackupFeature”), subject to the amount of online backup space provided with Your Software and Services and/orwhich You additionally purchase. If You choose to use the Online Backup Feature, You must completethe activation process within the Software and Services for such feature.a. Availability. The Online Backup Feature is provided “as is” and “as available” and Symantec will notbe responsible to pay You for any loss or damage resulting from any downtime of the Online BackupFeature due to reasonable scheduled maintenance, maintenance for critical issues or forces beyond thereasonable control of Symantec.b. User Conduct and Responsibility; Compliance with Applicable Laws. Use of the Online BackupFeature (including the transmission of any data You choose to store through the Online Backup Feature(“Data”)) is subject to all applicable local, state, national and international laws and regulations, includingbut not limited to the United States export laws. You agree to comply with such applicable laws andregulations and with the specifications set out in the Documentation or the applicable transaction 4documentation from the authorized distributor, reseller, or Service Provider from which You obtained theSoftware and Services and not to (i) use the Online Backup Feature for illegal purposes, (ii) transmit orstore material that may infringe the intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties or that isillegal, tortious, defamatory, libelous, or invasive of another's privacy; (iii) transmit or store data belongingto another party without first obtaining all consents required by law from the data owner for transmissionof the data to Symantec for storage within the United States; (iv) transmit any material that containssoftware viruses or other harmful computer code, files or programs such as trojan horses, worms or timebombs; (v) interfere with or disrupt servers or networks connected to the Online Backup Feature; or (vi)attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Online Backup Feature, the accounts of other Online BackupFeature users, or computer systems or networks connected to the Online Backup Feature.Your obligations in this Section regarding use of the Online Backup Feature apply to all use of the OnlineBackup Feature in connection with Your Norton Account. You are solely responsible for the use of theOnline Backup Feature, and the Data transmitted or stored through the Online Backup Feature, inconnection with Your Norton Account.To the maximum amount permissible under applicable law, You agree to pay Symantec, its parents,subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees and agents the amount of any claims, demands,costs, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any thirdparty arising out of or in connection with use of the Online Backup Feature through Your Norton Accountto the extent any such claims, demands, costs, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses arise as a resultof Your breach of this License Agreement or Your negligence or willful misconduct. Such amount mayinclude but is not limited to responsibility for payments of any such claims, demands, costs, damages,losses, liabilities and expenses arising out of or in connection with the Data transmitted or stored throughthe Online Backup Feature in connection with Your Norton Account.c. Termination; Suspension. Your right to use the Online Backup Feature will terminate on expiration ofthe Service Period. Symantec may immediately suspend or terminate use of the Online Backup Featureduring the Service Period for Your failure to or Symantec’s reasonable belief that You have failed tocomply with these terms and conditions (other than a trivial or inconsequential breach) or any othermisuse of the Online Backup Feature. Following the expiration or termination of the Service Period: Symantec may permanently delete any Data stored to the online backup space providedwith Your Software and Services ; Symantec will not be obligated to maintain such Data, forward such Data to You or a thirdparty, or migrate such Data to another backup service or account; and You will not be able to store the Data to any additional backup space that You may havepurchased separately unless and until the Service Period is renewed.d. Miscellaneous. Symantec has no obligation to monitor use of the Online Backup Feature and/or Datatransmitted or stored through the Online Backup Feature. To the maximum extent permissible underapplicable law and notwithstanding the provisions of section 13 below, Symantec reserves the right at alltimes to monitor, review, retain and/or disclose any Data or other information as necessary to satisfy anyapplicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request, or to investigate any use or suspectedbreach of this License Agreement.5. Technical Support:Certain technical support features may be offered from within the Software and Services, which mayinclude live chat with a technical support agent and/or assistance from a technical support agent viaremote computer access (any such technical support offered from within the Software and Services shallbe referred to in this License Agreement as the “Technical Support”). If such features are offered and Youchoose to access such Technical Support the following terms shall apply. Any such Technical Supportshall be provided in Symantec’s sole discretion without any guarantee or warranty of any kind other thanany guarantees applicable under consumer laws in Your jurisdiction which cannot be excluded or limitedin any way. It is solely Your responsibility to complete a backup of all Your existing data, software andprograms before receiving any Technical Support. In the course of providing the Technical Support,Symantec may determine that the technical issue is beyond the scope of the Technical Support. 5Symantec reserves the right to refuse, suspend or terminate any of the Technical Support in its solediscretion.6. Money Back Guarantee:If You are the original licensee of the Software and Services and are not completely satisfied with it forany reason, please make no further use of the Software and Services and contact (i) the authorizedreseller that sold You the Software and Services, or (ii) the authorized reseller that sold You the devicethat includes the Software and Services as pre-loaded in the device, if You obtained the Software andServices as part of a device bundled offering, or (iii) Symantec Customer Service, using the contactdetails set out in Section 12 of this License Agreement, for information on how to obtain a refund of theamount You paid for the current Service Period (less shipping, handling, and any applicable taxes exceptin certain states and countries where shipping, handling and taxes are refundable) at any time during thesixty (60) day period following the date of purchase of an annual subscription or within thirty (30) daysfollowing the date of purchase of a monthly subscription. For the avoidance of doubt, the foregoing doesnot apply if You obtained the Software and Services from Your Service Provider.7. Limited Warranty:Symantec warrants that any media manufactured by Symantec on which the Software and Services isdistributed will be free from defects for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of delivery of the Softwareand Services to You. Your sole remedy in the event of a breach of this warranty will be that Symantecwill, at its option, replace any defective media returned to Symantec within the warranty period or refundthe money You paid for the Software and Services. Symantec does not warrant that the Software andServices will meet Your requirements or that operation of the Software and Services will be uninterruptedor that the Software and Services will be error-free. For the avoidance of doubt, references to “Softwareand Services” in the foregoing sentence shall include, but not be limited to, the Online Backup Featureand Technical Support.TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE ABOVE WARRANTY ISEXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. THIS WARRANTYGIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS, WHICH VARY FROMSTATE TO STATE AND COUNTRY TO COUNTRY.8. Disclaimer of Damages:SOME STATES AND COUNTRIES DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITYFOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE BELOW LIMITATION OR EXCLUSIONMAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHERANY REMEDY SET FORTH HEREIN FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, IN NO EVENT WILLSYMANTEC OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL,INDIRECT, OR SIMILAR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS OR LOST DATA ARISINGOUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE AND SERVICES (INCLUDING BUT NOTLIMITED TO USE OF THE ONLINE BACKUP FEATURE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT) EVEN IFSYMANTEC HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.IN NO CASE SHALL SYMANTEC’S OR ITS LICENSORS’ LIABILITY EXCEED THE PURCHASEPRICE WHICH YOU PAID FOR THE APPLICABLE SERVICE PERIOD. THE DISCLAIMERS ANDLIMITATIONS SET FORTH ABOVE WILL APPLY REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOU ACCEPT ORUSE THE SOFTWARE AND SERVICES.9. U.S. Government Restricted Rights:6For U.S. Government procurements, the software is deemed to be commercial computer software asdefined in FAR 12.212 and subject to restricted rights as defined in FAR Section 52.227-19 "CommercialComputer Software - Restricted Rights" and DFARS 227.7202, “Rights in Commercial ComputerSoftware or Commercial Computer Software Documentation”, as applicable, and any successorregulations. Any use, modification, reproduction release, performance, display or disclosure of thesoftware by the U.S. Government shall be solely in accordance with the terms of this License Agreement.10. Export Regulation:You acknowledge that the Software and Services and related technical data and services (collectively"Controlled Technology") may be subject to the import and export laws of the United States, specificallythe U.S. Export Administration Regulations (EAR), and the laws of any country where ControlledTechnology is imported or re-exported. You agree to comply with all relevant laws and will not export anyControlled Technology in contravention to U.S. law nor to any prohibited country, entity, or person forwhich an export license or other governmental approval is required. All Symantec product is prohibitedfor export or re-export to Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Syria and Sudan and to any country subject to relevanttrade sanctions, including Afghanistan and Iraq. USE OR FACILITATION OF SYMANTEC PRODUCT INCONNECTION WITH ANY ACTIVITY INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE DESIGN,DEVELOPMENT, FABRICATION, TRAINING, OR TESTING OF CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, ORNUCLEAR MATERIALS, OR MISSILES, DRONES, OR SPACE LAUNCH VEHICLES CAPABLE OFDELIVERING WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION IS PROHIBITED, IN ACCORDANCE WITH U.S.LAW.11. Arbitration:If You are a U.S. customer, You and Symantec agree that any dispute, claim or controversy arising out ofor relating in any way to the Software and Services or this License Agreement, shall be determined bybinding arbitration or small claims court, instead of in courts of general jurisdiction. Arbitration is moreinformal than a lawsuit in court. Arbitration uses a neutral arbitrator instead of a judge or jury, allows formore limited discovery than in court, and is subject to very limited review by courts. Arbitrators can awardthe same damages and relief that a court can award. You agree that, by agreeing to this LicenseAgreement, the U.S. Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this arbitrationprovision, and that You and Symantec are each waiving the right to a trial by jury or to participate in aclass action. This arbitration provision shall survive termination of this License Agreement and/or thetermination of Your Symantec product license.If You elect to seek arbitration, You must first send to Symantec, by certified mail, a written Notice of Yourclaim ("Notice of Claim"). The Notice of Claim to Symantec should be addressed to: General Counsel,Symantec, Inc., 350 Ellis Street, Mountain View, CA 94043 and should be prominently captioned“NOTICE OF CLAIM”. The Notice of Claim should include both the mailing address and email addressYou would like Symantec to use to contact You. If Symantec elects to seek arbitration, it will send, bycertified mail, a written Notice of Claim to Your billing address on file. A Notice of Claim, whether sent byYou or by Symantec, must (a) describe the nature and basis of the claim or dispute; and (b) set forth thespecific amount of damages or other relief sought ("Demand").If You and Symantec do not reach an agreement to resolve the claim within thirty (30) days after theNotice of Claim is received, You or Symantec may commence an arbitration proceeding or file a claim insmall claims court. You may download or copy a form of notice and a form to initiate arbitration If You are required to pay a filing fee, Symantec will promptly reimburse You for Yourpayment of the filing fee after arbitration is commenced. The arbitration will be governed by theCommercial Arbitration Rules and the Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes(collectively, "AAA Rules") of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"), as modified by this LicenseAgreement, and will be administered by the AAA. The AAA Rules and Forms are available online or by calling the AAA at 1-800-778-7879. The arbitrator is bound by the terms of thisLicense Agreement. All issues are for the arbitrator to decide, including issues relating to the scope andenforceability of this arbitration provision. Unless Symantec and You agree otherwise, any arbitrationhearings will take place in the county (or parish) of either the mailing address You provided in Your Noticeor, if no address was provided in Your Notice, Your billing address on file. If Your claim is for U.S. 7$10,000 or less, Symantec agrees that You may choose whether the arbitration will be conducted solelyon the basis of documents submitted to the arbitrator, through a telephonic hearing, or by an in-personhearing as established by the AAA Rules. If Your claim exceeds U.S. $10,000, the right to a hearing willbe determined by the AAA Rules. Regardless of the manner in which the arbitration is conducted, thearbitrator shall issue a reasoned written decision sufficient to explain the essential findings andconclusions on which the award is based. If the arbitrator issues You an award that is greater than thevalue of Symantec’s last written settlement offer made before an arbitrator was selected (or if Symantecdid not make a settlement offer before an arbitrator was selected), then Symantec will pay You, inaddition to the award, either U.S. $500 or 10% of the amount awarded, whichever is greater. Except asexpressly set forth herein, the payment of all filing, administration and arbitrator fees will be governed bythe AAA Rules.YOU AND SYMANTEC AGREE THAT EACH MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY INYOUR OR ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANYPURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING. Further, unless both You and Symantecagree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person's claims with Your claims, andmay not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding. If this specific provisionis found to be unenforceable, then the entirety of this arbitration provision shall be null and void. Thearbitrator may award declaratory or injunctive relief only in favor of the individual party seeking relief andonly to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by that party's individual claim.12. General:This License Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of California, United States of America.This License Agreement is the entire agreement between You and Symantec relating to the Software andServices and: (i) supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, proposals,and representations with respect to its subject matter; and (ii) prevails over any conflicting or additionalterms of any quote, order, acknowledgment, or similar communications between the parties.Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this License Agreement will diminish any rights You may haveunder existing consumer protection legislation or other applicable laws in Your jurisdiction that may not bewaived by contract. Symantec may terminate this License Agreement if You breach any term contained inthis License Agreement (other than a trivial or inconsequential breach) and, if such termination occurs,You must cease use of and destroy all copies of the Software and Services and Documentation. Thedisclaimers of warranties and damages and limitations on liability shall survive and continue to apply aftertermination. Should You have any questions concerning this License Agreement, or if You desire tocontact Symantec for any reason, please write to Symantec Customer Service, 555 International Way,Springfield, OR 97477, U.S.A. or visit the Symantec Support page at TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Your use of the Software and Services is subject to the termsand conditions below in addition to those stated above.13. Privacy; Data Protection:From time to time, the Software and Services may collect certain information, including personallyidentifiable information, from the Device on which it is installed, which may include: Information on potential security risks as well as URLs and the Internet Protocol (IP)addresses of websites visited that the Software and Services deems potentiallyfraudulent. The URLs could contain personally identifiable information that a potentiallyfraudulent website is attempting to obtain without Your permission. This information iscollected by Symantec for the purpose of delivering the functionalities of the Software andServices, and also for evaluating and improving the ability of Symantec’s products to detectmalicious behavior, potentially fraudulent websites and other Internet security risks. URLs and the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of websites visited as well as search keywordsand search results only if the Norton Safe Web or Norton Safe Search features are enabled.This information is collected by Symantec for the purpose of providing protection and of 8evaluating and advising You regarding potential threats and risks that may be associated witha particular Web site before You view it. Executable files and files that contain executable content that are identified as potentialmalware, including information on the actions taken by such files at the time of installation.These files are submitted to Symantec using the Software and Service’s automaticsubmission function. Such automatic submission function may be deactivated afterinstallation by following the instructions in the Documentation for applicable products. Thecollected files could contain personally identifiable information that has been obtained by themalware without Your permission. Files of this type are being collected by Symantec only forthe purpose of improving the ability of Symantec’s products to detect malicious behavior. The name given to the Device during the initial setup of such Device. If collected, the namewill be used by Symantec as an account name for the Device under which You may elect toreceive additional services and/or under which You may use certain features of the Softwareand Services. You may change such account name at any time after installation of theSoftware and Services and it is recommended that You do so. Status information regarding installation and operation of the Software and Services. Thisinformation indicates to Symantec whether installation of the Software and Services wassuccessfully completed as well as whether the Software and Services has encountered anerror. The status information could contain personally identifiable information only if suchinformation is included in the name of the file or folder encountered by the Software andServices at the time of installation or error. The status information is collected by Symantecfor the purpose of evaluating and improving Symantec’s product performance and installationsuccess rate. Symantec may also use this information to optimize its web-pages. Information contained in email messages that You send through the Software and Services toSymantec to report as spam or as incorrectly identified as spam. These email messagesmay contain personally identifiable information and will be sent to Symantec only with Yourpermission, and will not be sent automatically. If You send such messages to Symantec,Symantec will use them only for the purpose of improving the detection ability of Symantec’santispam technology. Symantec will not correlate or match up these files with any otherpersonally identifiable information. Information contained in a report that You may choose to send through the Software andServices to Symantec when the Software and Services encounters a problem. The reportincludes information regarding the status of both the Software and Services and Your Deviceat the time that the Software and Services encountered the problem. The status informationabout Your Device may include the system language, country locale, and the operatingsystem version for Your Device, as well as the processes running, their status andperformance information, and data from files or folders that were open at the time theSoftware and Services encountered the problem. The information could contain personallyidentifiable information if such information is included in, or is a part of the name of the files orfolders open at the time the Software and Services encountered the problem. Thisinformation will be sent to Symantec only with Your permission, and will not be sentautomatically. The information is collected by Symantec for the purpose of correcting theencountered problem and improving Symantec’s product performance. This information willnot be correlated or matched up with any personally identifiable information. The Internet Protocol (IP) address and/or Media Access Control (MAC) address and theMachine ID of the Device on which the Software and Services is installed to enable theSoftware and Services to function and for license administration purposes. Other general, statistical information used for product analysis, and for improving productfunctionality.Unless it is expressly defined as optional, the collected information as set out above is necessary for thepurpose of the functionality of Symantec’s products.Information may be transferred to the Symantec group in the United States or other countries that mayhave less protective data protection laws than the region in which You are situated (including theEuropean Union) and may be accessible by Symantec employees or contractors exclusively to be used inaccordance with the purposes described above. For the same purposes the information may be shared 9with partners and vendors that process information on behalf of Symantec. Symantec has taken steps sothat the collected information, if transferred, receives an adequate level of protection.Subject to applicable laws, Symantec reserves the right to cooperate with any legal process and any lawenforcement or other government inquiry related to Your use of this Software and Services. This meansthat Symantec may provide documents and information relevant to a court subpoena or to a lawenforcement or other government investigation. In order to promote awareness, detection and preventionof Internet security risks, Symantec may share certain information with research organizations and othersecurity software vendors. Symantec may also use statistics derived from the information to track andpublish reports on security risk trends. By using the Software and Services, You acknowledge and agreethat Symantec may collect, transmit, store, disclose and analyze such information for these purposes.In addition, any Data that You transmit or store through the Online Backup Feature will be transferred toand stored in servers located in countries that may have less protective data protection laws than thecountry in which You are located (including without limitation the United States). These servers areowned and maintained by a third party processor which Symantec has required by contract to safeguardYour Data. If you have any questions about how Your Data is being handled, please contact SymantecCustomer Service using the contact details in Section 12.CPS / SUBS_SOS 21.0 / USE
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