SysTools for Access Data Files Software which helps to repair MS Access Databases and recover data from them. Even the password protected databases are successfully repaired and their data is stored to new working databases. Access database recovery software is equipped with two recovery modes: standard and template mode. First mode helps in normal corruption types and second mode helps in severe corruption types of ms access databases. Software scans the corrupt access databases and repairs the found errors after which data is recovered from the database files. Table structure and data, key data structures like auto number, primary key, field size, memo data, OLE data, table relationships, and original date formats are easily recovered with access file repair software. Software supports access file repair for files created with MS Access 97, 98, 2000, and 2003. Free to evaluate demo version of the software is available for its users where they can download the demo software to analyze features and functions before purchasing the software. Works smoothly on Windows Vista, XP, 2003, 2002 and 2000.Repair Access Data File Tool successfully runs on Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and now on Windows 7 also. User can check the functionality of software by using DEMO Version of the Repair Damaged Database software FREE. Purchase full licensed version of Access Recovery Tool to access complete features only at $69.00.
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