No one can understand the importance of eseutil than a network administrators or a help desk technician looking for Exchange Server maintenance. Eseutil Exchange 2007 utility is a command line tool that is offered by Microsoft to help the Exchange Server administrator to do various functions such as repairing corrupt Exchange database defragmenting the database, compact the database and verifying the state of the database. Eseutil commands and Eseutil switches such as eseutil r, eseutil p, eseutil defrag eseutil d and eseutil mh are the ideal way to keep your Exchange databases in consistent state. Eseutil download can be executed from Microsoft’s official website. You can use Exchange 2003 eseutil to perform recovery in EDB databases created using Exchange Server 2003 version. Similarly, Exchange 2007 eseutil can be used to perform flawless eseutil recovery for databases created using Exchange 2007. Eseutil Exchange 2003 and Eseutil Exchange 2007 can be used exhaustively to repair corrupt EDB files and various other tasks.
Download Eseutil Exchange 2003